Thursday, December 6, 2012

Websphere Commerce Server Interview Questions

WebSphere Commerce common interview Questions.

1) Difference between static and dynamic include?
Ans:  The syntax for
static include is <%@ include file=”filename.jsp” %>
dynamic include is <jsp:include page=”filename.jsp” />

Static include is an inline inclusion (the contents of the file will be included at translation phase) like a copy and paste. During the translation or compilation phase all the included JSP pages are compiled into a single Servlet. Use “static includes” when a JSP page does not change very often.

In case of dynamic include the response of the file will be included to the original response at runtime. The file will be processed separately and only the response will become the part of the original files’ response. The dynamically included JSP is compiled into a separate Servlet. It is a separate resource, which gets to process the request, and the content generated by this resource is included in the JSP response.

Static include cannot accept a parameter . But dynamic include can accept a parameter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Solr Search : Facet Configuration

SOLR Search:

By default Solr facet sorting is configured by facet product count. We can modify the facet configuration by modifying WC-SEARCH.XML file. wc-search.xml file contains the basic configuration for facets and search related.

The configuration change for the facet sort by index instead of count.

Locate the following snippet from that file.
     <_config:param name="sort" value="count"/>

The facets needs to be sorted alphabetically. So Sort option changed from count to index.
    <_config:param name="sort" value="index"/>

Save the changes.